19 August, 2012

Bible vs. Mobile

Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our mobile phone?

 What if we didn't leave the house without it?

 What if we flipped through it several times a day?

 What if we used it when we travelled?

 What if we bought a new one every year because we wore it out from use?

 What if we used it to receive messages from our best friend?

 What if we could recognise God's whisper as audibly as our ringtone?

 What if we grew dependent on it and couldn't live without it?

 What if we used it in case of an emergency?

 Unlike our mobile phone, our bible will always bring us good news.

 Unlike our mobile phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being
 disconnected because Jesus has already paid the bill.

(UCB Media)

05 August, 2012

Aaron's Rod Budding

The rod of Aaron . . . brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds.

 The rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram was against the divinely instituted priesthood. However, that insurrection was swiftly crushed, and the Lord gave unmistakable proof that the house of Aaron was the only priestly family in Israel. Aaron's rod supernaturally budded, bloomed, and brought forth fruit - a divine testimony to his priesthood.

 The gospel type is clear. Just as Aaron's rod was conspicuous among all the other rods, so Christ our great High Priest stands pre-eminently above all pretended mediators between God and men. Aaron's rod became alive after having been a dead, lifeless branch. It is the resurrection of Christ, the Rod out of Jesse's stem, which gives incontrovertible evidence that He alone is the Priest for sinners. Christs rising signifies a finished work, a sufficient sacrifice, a satisfactory atonement. As Aaron's living rod was placed in the Holiest of All, so the risen Christ has entered into the holy place not made with hands, to continue His high-priestly ministry.

 What vitality there is in Christ! Aaron's rod showed the signs of life without being part of a tree. Christ had life in Himself and had power to rise again. That supernatural life is what gives vitality to the church. Because He lives, His people live also. What beauty there is in Christ! In the days of His humiliation, there was no beauty in Him that men would desire Him. But He rose with the blossoms of a fragrant beauty about Him, having left the grave clothes behind. What fertility there is in Christ! As Aaron's rod was covered with buds, blossoms, and almonds simultaneously, so the fruit of Christs death never ceases to come forth. It is apparent at different stages in His people. Some are budding. Some are blossoming, giving the promise of greater things to come. Some have reached maturity and are fully ripe for glory. What stage have you attained? May we each bear much of His fruitfulness today.

(Eagles Wings)

20 July, 2012

Sharing Good News

Moses told ... all that the Lord had done ...
View daily reading plan: Exodus 18.5-24

When Moses saw the elderly Jethro approaching he went to him, and showed due respect. There is great benefit in cultivating friendships with older saints. We can learn so much from their experience. They can give us direction in spiritual things. Here, Jethro said to Moses, "The thing that thou doest is not good". Moses was willing to listen and to take the advice of the older man.

The report Moses gave to Jethro of the deliverance they had experienced caused the old man to acknowledge and worship the Lord. Younger people can encourage older saints by keeping them informed of the work of the Lord. Elderly believers can engage in prayer even when they are not able to be involved in the work. They can pray for the individuals we have been able to contact with the gospel.

Are we involved in sharing the good news with unbelievers? There is a saying, "It seems that nobody is telling anybody about Somebody who can save everybody". Moses was happy to tell the story of deliverance and we should be too. Do we hide the gospel from the lost (2 Cor 4.3)? Are we ashamed of it (Rom 1.16)? Does the spiritual poverty of people touch us? Think today of the Lord's compassion (Mt 9.36), and the riches He left to make us immeasurably rich (2 Cor 8.9).

(Taken from todays daily portion from Christian Living Today
and how very apt for me this day)